African Network of Centers of Excellence in Electricity (ANCEE)

As part of its innovation strategy, theAPUA has created the African Network of Centers of Excellence in Electricity (ANCEE) to strengthen the capacities of players in the African electricity sector. This project aims to improve the sector's performance while strengthening the technical and managerial skills of power utility.

Mission ANCEE

The mission of ANCEE is to improve the performance of the African power sector and promote regional exchanges. The project focuses on strengthening skills at all levels and on governance of the sector to make it more attractive to investors and improve the quality of electricity services.

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electrical substation

Strategic Objectives

Our Centers of Excellence

The centers affiliated to ANCEE are leading institutions for training in the electrical trades in Africa. They offer a wide range of expertise and state-of-the-art training facilities.

  • Eskom Academy of Learning (or EAL, an academy affiliated with Eskom, South Africa)
  • Center des Sciences et Techniques de l'Electricité (or CSTE, affiliated to the Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau - Branche Electricité, Morocco)
  • Institute of Training in Electricity and Gas (or IFEG, affiliated to SONELGAZ Group, Algeria)
  • Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre (or KGRTC, the Kafue Gorge Regional Training Centre affiliated with the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation, Zambia).
  • Center de Métiers de l'Electricité de Bingerville (or CME affiliated to CIE, Côte d’Ivoire)
  • NAPTIN and KANJI centers, Nigeria
  • MOKATTAM and ATC centers affiliated with EEHC, Egypt
  • Geothermal Training Center (or GTC affiliated to KENGEN, KENYA)
  • Center de Formation et de Perfectionnement de Khelidia (or CFPK affiliated to STEG, Tunisia)
  • VRA Academy affiliated with VRA, Ghana